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Why Should I Follow Christ?

Isn’t life basically left up to me and my own decisions?

God's Plan Before Creation

The reason GOD Himself became a man was to accomplish a plan that the Father had predetermined before the world was formed. This plan involved the ultimate purpose of God for making the universe and mankind itself. This plan, despite man's failure and rejection, would yet be accomplished by God. It is all in His ultimate gameplan.

Escaping Darkness

Mankind needs to escape the dark places of life caused by man. In sending his Son to earth, working alongside humans, He was able to provide a way to escape the darkness and confusion. This all had to be accomplished without compromising human freedom of the will.

Divine Union with Humanity

Jesus, by participating in the community of human frailty and flesh, has made possible a way for humanity to participate in the divine nature of God. To be reborn and rescued. He connected Himself with us to make this possible. The pathway of this rescue is found in following Jesus.

Following Christ through His Spirit

Our transformation by following Jesus Christ is possible because His Spirit comes to indwells our spirit. This is a mystery revealed when Jesus came. It enables Him to live His life in and through us. Each human can now fulfill his ultimate purpose as Jesus leads and guides us by His Spirit. He becomes our Shepherd.

Blessed in Christ

The Bible clearly states that the Father “has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places.” As we follow Christ, we are led into the experience of God's promises. God our creator alone knows our purpose and the best pathway for our lives.

Perfect Love Alignment

Alignment with Christ is an alignment with the perfect love of God. Jesus knows perfectly what is best for us and loves each of us more than we will ever understand.

Legacy of the Way

Christians from the beginning called this life following Christ "the Way." Following Jesus has consistently been the experience of people over two thousand years. After entrusting their lives to Christ, Transformation was the result of following Him.

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