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How Do I Forgive Others?

This is the only way out of an inner prison of our soul...and into the freedom of God’s presence.

Who is in the driver's seat?

God has put us in the driver’s seat regarding forgiveness. Forgiving freely is often not “natural” for many of us. Yet, God expects us to freely forgive all who have sinned against us.

How can I do it?

When we are “born again” from the regeneration of our spirit within (a new heart), God’s Spirit begins to guide us into a pathway of forgiveness…and even empowers us in the process.

He is the Judge

The Bible helps us understand that the accumulated sins of our lifetime, which He has freely forgiven in Christ, most often outweighs the particular sin(s) of individuals against us. In any case, He is the judge. We are warned not to judge others, but to leave that to Him.

Perfect Inner Freedom

We must understand that as we forgive others, we are set free in our inner being.

How can I do impossible forgivness?

Listen to this testimony of forgiveness

“Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” Ephesians 4:32

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