There are many unanswered questions inside of all of us...some even yet unasked
What is the meaning of life?
This thirst for meaning in our core for purpose must be satisfied. This desire for significance screams out and up from our deepest self. It is relentless and must be faced... and is, by all who are honest. We need the answer to the question “What is my purpose?”
“Am I a random collection of atoms without cause or purpose, and ultimately of no value…to anyone…and destined for oblivion? Or do I have a purpose and have those around me and to the One who created me?”
Once key truths about God and perspective were rejected, people lost a sense of inherent purpose or value to human life. Living with no clear goal or purpose. You begin to see the reason for the sort of chaos we see in the world today. With no basis for purpose in life, it is easier devalue life...even to not care when life is extinguished.
An Invitation from God to Discover Our Purpose
The Bible invites us to discover an ultimate and permanent sense of purpose for our lives, and not only for God, but for others. Underlying the existence of the universe and each person in it is detailed purpose and meaning.
Faith in Jesus reconnects us to the discovery of this purpose.
When you find that purpose, you will see also it in others. You begin to see people the way God sees them. Then you discover that every human life has as much value as the next and is loved by God.
Since God deeply loves us all (He does), then we are all deserving of kindness, compassion, and understanding. When we embrace this truth and begin to embody it, we begin to reflect God's love, becoming ambassadors of his light into the world.
Millions have discovered it...
Millions over the centuries have found purpose after sinking to the lowest places of discouragment in this life…
Resource: Here is an easy way to discover more about God’s purpose for your life