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God's Point of View

Somewhere it has been said, “Wisdom is looking at things from God’s point of view.” Perhaps the world is so topsy turvy (crazy) and has been for a long time because God’s point of view has been forgotten. Perhaps the universe maker and maker of life has things to say that will bring things back into order. This site is dedicated to presenting God’s perspective on life, unknown to some, but for those who have found it, radically transformational. Like a pearl of great value discovered hidden in a field, many have given all they have to gain it. 


Truth, absolute reality itself, is what makes life meaningful, filled with purpose, and joyful. Rather than living under the control and influence of a “matrix” world filled with lies and deception, truth (God’s perspective on the universe and life itself) will release you into a reality that gives power for living and experiencing the deepest and richest dimensions of life. As designed by God in the first place. 

Hope for the Future

In this present world…and the one that is coming

What is the world’s perspective?

Absence of answers. Frustrations that only accumulate with time. A dead end to life that no one wants to face. Not having God’s point of view throws the mind into an empty void as the best minds in the world flail about searching and searching. And nations and governments try to address the confusion with policies and controls that ultimately always end in fighting and war. History makes its case for an empty portfolio of answers. There simply are none. Societies come and go. The expansion of knowledge and science haven’t brought answers to our core issues. Like the ability to live together in harmony. 

What is God’s perspective?

The deeper you look at the facts found in the Bible (God’s primary source of truth) the more precious it becomes. Purpose and logic and harmony and joy and peace increasingly rise to the top of the message it presents. Seeing the what and the why of life and discovering what is really going on…is combined with a glimpse into who God really is, what His plans for humans are, and the challenges we face. And it presents the way through it all. The bottom line is this. Despite the confusion of it all, there is a future and a hope in such richness and depth that it seems impossible to exhaust. Everything increasingly “falls into place” as the real meaning of life is unveiled and we are allowed to see it. And hope shines brightly. The discovery of a solid, permanent hope and future is the bedrock of what those who begin to walk in God’s wisdom discover. This site is your invitation, a solid hope and future for you.


Purpose in Life

Why am I here? What is it all about?


What is the world’s perspective?

Absence of answers. Frustrations that only accumulate with time. A dead end to life that no one wants to face. Not having God’s point of view throws the mind into an empty void as the best minds in the world flail about searching and searching. And nations and governments try to address the confusion with policies and controls that ultimately always end in fighting and war. History makes its case for an empty portfolio of answers. There simply are none. Societies come and go. The expansion of knowledge and science haven’t brought answers to our core issues. Like the ability to live together in harmony. 

What is God’s perspective?

The Bible reveals that God, who dwells outside our limiting dimensions of matter, space, and time, lovingly planned the creation of the universe as we know it, and decided that humans would be his crowning achievement. Most importantly, we were destined by Him to reflect who He himself was, both in character and purpose relative to this creation. Our life here was to be unending, and designed to exist and function in an intimate relationship with Him. This is best described as a father - son or mother - daughter relationship. We are therefore very precious to him, very attractive in endless ways to Him, not unlike a child is to his parents. He has therefore an unending plan of growth, adventure, and relationship intended for us in this universe that He made for us to dwell. This is not even the tip of the iceberg…as the Bible has much to say about this…things that make you feel not only incredibly important but like a king or queen.  This is just a droplet of God’s perspective on our purpose.


What about failure and sin?

A “bubonic plague”, the dark side of life. What do we do with it?

What is the world’s perspective?
This is inevitable. No measuring up. Missing the mark. Having a bad day. Saying and doing things that seem unrepairable. Inflicting hurt, harm, and insult to others, to the body and the inner person. This chronic struggle covers all ages and cultures and individuals. Morality, right and wrong, even evil, appear to be an undeniable part of our universe. And no one seems to have an answer for it…other than vengeance . Do wrong to me (according to my value system) and be certain I will make sure to get even. Why? Because what you “did” was wrong, unjust, unfair. So we try to deal with it. Through discord, argument, anger, courts, and on the dark side, fighting, violence, and in the end, war…war…war. The world doesn’t seem to have an answer it is capable of implementing…despite its many efforts over the centuries. The “go to” solution for discord, injustice, and wrongdoing, according to the hard facts of history is might and power used through fighting and wars in the attempt to make things right. Why such issues are present in life is not explained. Evolution says ultimately that “there is no right or wrong, only the survival of the fittest, no matter how they achieve it. In that world, love does not exist. 

What is God’s perspective?

The answer resides in two words. This is the perspective of God. One rooted in reality. One that if understood brings great light. Love and freedom. To understand sin you must understand core nature. It is love. It is His essence. This describes the world we see in terms of life and relationships. Nearly all expect there to be fairness and justice. Nearly everyone has a sense of right and wrong. This was placed there by God when he formed us to be like Him. But the applecart of life was upset when God granted us one other benefit. It’s called freedom, or free will.*


When God gave us this, he transformed us from robots to beings of great value, beings as precious to Him as our children are to parents. He gave us the possibility of living and acting in love. However, this inherently involved a tremendous amount of risk. The risk that this gift would be used to rebel against love. That is what the world has done. That is why human history is sordid, full of failure and what the Bible calls “sin.”


*Free will: the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to act at one's own discretion.


What about loneliness… and relationships?

I am a rock…I am an island…really?!!

What is the world’s perspective?

The world is a bit schizophrenic, it seems. On the one hand, nearly every movie, novel, and the trajectory of most lives screams out the importance of relationships. In fact, modern psychological therapy measures an individual’s psychological health in terms of how strong their key relationships are. So the world lives and defines life in terms of relationships. Few and far between are those who truly are an island, who live alone.

And yet, many feel like an island…living alone. A great affliction of the soul that resides in the heart of so many is loneliness. No one who really understands. No one who really knows and accepts me just the way I am. No one wants to live with rejection…and because of it, often lives in hiding, not wanting anyone to know the real me. The world has seemingly, from its beginning, been on a quest for depth in relationships…and often not finding it. The root of the problem is connected to the reality of failure and sin. Because those things exist inside humans, we fear rejection and hide ourselves from others…only to discover loneliness.

What is God’s perspective?

Like a great light, God shines brightly into this condition of loneliness. God, who is love, created us for relationship, intimate and meaningful…with Him and with others. This dynamic is at the very core of reality. Without relationships, life grows very dark. The one who made us also knows us perfectly, and understands we were not made for this. God Himself, once we exercise our option of free will, found Himself separated from His creation, and bereft of the joys and purpose for which He made humans. Some feel God may have made a mistake in starting the human experiment at all. But God knew there was a way to restore it. Finding a path back to that which the inner soul of humanity desperately yearns for was possible but not without significant cost…to God himself.


What is the path?

There is a way back into the glories of the relationship of creator and created, as originally intended, and one that endures eternally. This restoration includes reconnection of humans to one another…and ways so deep and meaningful that no novel or movie can describe. God intended life to burst with relationships from which streams of joy and meaning flow like a river that never ends. God is the light of the world and in that light humans discover life. Yes, light exposes, but the light of God also brings a restoration of every dimension that has been lost. This is what God’s perspective brings…a way out of our dilemma of loneliness…forever. 


Security…will I always have enough?

An endless worldwide struggle throughout the world

What is the world’s perspective?

You had better work hard at it. In fact, if you don’t, one day you won’t have enough. And so a lifelong chase begins. Our peace of mind is defined by the level of security we believe we have achieved. The world says, “If you don’t do this, no one else will. Look out for number one. No one else is…or will, especially when things get tough. You have to be in control of life. You must be the provider. What happens if you lose it all?” Life as we define must be protected. Not having that security opens the grisly door to fear and worry…and then leads some into dishonesty and stealing…as we seek to secure ourselves against the future. Some say, “You are the master of your fate. It is up to you.”

What is God’s perspective?

The ultimate Father of all life is God. His concern is so deep and intimate that each strand of hair on every human is numbered…each sparrow throughout the world is noted..when their lives end. God is intensely interested in life at every level and is committed to abundance for all. This was part of the package deal when He created the world. The life systems He designed were to thrive to such a degree that abundance for all in every way was to be the norm. This was his intention…until the human option for independence was exercised. We left Him and his ways, only to discover the chaos of insecurity…in all arenas of life. Poverty of love, of relationship, of protection, of food, and more. All lost because we left the Fathers house. But God the Father would say, “There is a way back to security and abundance…beyond your greatest expectations. Despite your rejection of me and despite its consequence, I have provided a way back. Please take advantage of it.”


Wisdom versus foolishness…

These fight for the throne of every life

What is the world’s perspective?

Many minds for many generations in many cultures over many thousands of years have searched for wisdom. And have not always agreed on how to achieve it. So the books of philosophy search for it and make many conclusions…and argue. Rarely is there agreement. And when it comes seemingly, it isn’t long before another generation rejects it, and embrace new arguments of their own. In the end, it does seem that the wisdom of humans is limited. Certainly true wisdom would endure, and bring unity, and an ultimate solution to central issues of life. Standards of wisdom and foolishness have emerged in various cultures over time…and many of them endure. Standards of goodness and evil, methods of prosperity and failure in this life. Yet, those standards are often bent to meet the current culture’s level of morality and purpose. Ultimate wisdom is illusive.

What is God’s perspective?

God actually has a lot to say about this. In fact, he actually calls himself wisdom in the Bible. It is one of his names. Seeing life from His perspective is the very definition of wisdom. To do so brings humans into alignment with ultimate reality itself. Wisdom is life, a long corridor that when followed leads into a full arena of life not imagined. God who is good, who is love, who created life, who made humans, promises that seeing life in wisdom, in Him, and following the instruction of wisdom is the only way to live.

Foolishness, at its core, is rejection of God. the Bible says “The fool has said in his heart, ‘there is no God.’” It is a foolish person who hears wisdom and then does not follow it. Because to do so is to go against the grain of the very structure of life itself. The universe was created in love through wisdom by an eternal all knowing Being, who acts only in kindness and fairness. Every principle of life rests in this source of life who calls himself Wisdom itself. The rejection of Him is in fact a choice of Foolishness, which ends only, surely,in disaster. Choose carefully. This website seeks to present as clearly as possible a perspective that sees things as God…and encourages the response of wisdom regarding what you are able to see.  

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Following the Way

What we do…makes a difference

What is the world’s perspective?

“I did it my way.” “Don’t tell me what to do.” “I’m number one.” The perspective of the world is based on the decision to exclude God and anything connected to Him. It has instead placed man himself in the central place of life. God’s view of life is tossed aside, God’s own careful revelation and instruction for life determined to be irrelevant and obsolete. The replacement is man himself and his own thinking…himself at the center of every consideration.

What is God’s perspective?

God himself, to remedy the problem, became a man in order to put on full display in the most understandable way possible who He is…the essence of His character. This He did in the person called Jesus Christ. The person in history is actually God Himself, in a human body, living on earth. He came with a mission in mind…to make it possible for humans to find their way back into what was lost by man’s free choice. Now, because of what was accomplished on this mission of God on earth, once again, by man’s free choice, it can all be regained. An inheritance of life that will never end. This God-man named Jesus Christ, did this for us in obedience to God the Father, said this about Himself, “I AM THE WAY… and “FOLLOW ME.” He has made our choice regarding his offer to us, one that will give an experience of fullness of life, and entrance into heaven itself. Be sure to say “yes” to Him today. 

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